
The Ancient Giant

Uintatherium lived about 56 to 34 million years ago during the Eocene epoch.

MeaningBeast from the Uinta Mountains [Uinta-therium]
When:Paleocene to Eocene (about 56–37 million years ago)
Where:North America (USA, Wyoming)
What:Mammal (large herbivorous mammal)
Weight:Estimated around 2 metric tons
Length:Approximately 4 meters (13 feet)
Diet:Herbivorous (ate vegetation)
Discovered:First described by Joseph Leidy in 1872

It was a massive mammal, standing about 6.5 feet tall and weighing over 2,200 pounds.

Uintatherium had a bulky body with horns and tusks on its head, making it look like a mix of rhinoceros and elephant.

It likely ate plants in forests across North America.

Uintatherium became extinct around 34 million years ago, and its fossils help scientists learn about ancient mammals and their habitats.

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