
The Giant Snake of the Past

Titanoboa was an enormous snake that lived about 60 million years ago in South America.

MeaningTitanic boa [Titan-o-boa]
When:Paleocene (about 60–58 million years ago)
Where:South America (Colombia)
What:Snake (largest known snake)
Weight:Estimated around 1.1 metric tons
Length:Approximately 13 meters (43 feet)
Diet:Carnivorous (ate large fish and possibly other reptiles)
Discovered:First described by Jonathan Bloch and Carlos Jaramillo in 2009

It was the biggest snake ever known, growing up to 40 feet long and weighing as much as a car.

Titanoboa lived in steamy jungles and swamps, where it hunted large animals like crocodiles and giant turtles.

Its massive size and strong body made it a top predator of its time. Fossils of Titanoboa found in Colombia have helped scientists learn about ancient snakes and the warm climate during its time.

Titanoboa’s discovery is a fascinating glimpse into Earth’s prehistoric past and how animals adapted to different environments.

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