
The Ancient Horned Beast

Arsinoitherium was a fascinating prehistoric mammal that lived around 36 to 30 million years ago during the Eocene epoch.

MeaningArsinoe’s beast [Arsinoi-therium]
When:Eocene to Oligocene (about 36–30 million years ago)
Where:Africa (Egypt)
What:Mammal (large herbivorous mammal)
Weight:Estimated around 2–3 metric tons
Length:Approximately 3 meters (10 feet)
Diet:Herbivorous (ate leaves and other vegetation)
Discovered:First described by Beadnell in 1902

It was roughly the size of a modern rhinoceros but had a distinctive appearance with two large, flattened horns on its head, similar to those of a modern rhino but facing backward.

These horns, along with its massive body, made Arsinoitherium a formidable herbivore.

It likely fed on plants and vegetation in the ancient forests and grasslands of Africa, where its fossils have been found.

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